
Fostering empathy and inspiring activism


Discussions about topics like racism and social justice can feel intimidating at times, but I believe that they’re absolutely necessary if we’re ever to see progress in the world.

And that idea is what led me to create Create Awareness, to be a space for antiracist ideas and stories that are meant to be educational, inspirational, and transformational.

I’m not an expert by any means, I’m just someone who wants to make space for this type of content and for these types of discussions.

So whether you’re someone who is way more experienced and knowledgeable than me when it comes to these topics, or if you’re simply curious and looking to learn about things like racism and social justice and aren’t sure where to start, I hope you’ll find the ideas and content on this site to be, at the very least, helpful, engaging, and thought provoking.

Because I truly believe that change is possible by raising awareness.

I also believe that developing empathy is a core component and a requirement if we ever hope to arrive at a society that universally promotes equality and justice for all.

But empathy on its own isn’t enough. Because empathy is helpful to us. It changes our hearts. And it helps us to humanize those who look and live differently than us.

Producing change also requires activism. But like empathy, activism on its own may not produce justice for all because it’s not always rooted in the desire to do what is best for all, or for those who are in need.

That’s why I believe it’s at the intersection of those two things where real and lasting change is possible.

And that’s the vision of Choose Awareness, to foster empathy and inspire activism.

So if you’re someone who is committed to the idea that every human being deserves an equal and equitable chance to live a full, happy, and healthy life, you’re in the right place!

And I realize that not everyone has a safe environment or people in their lives to have honest conversations about some of these topics. So just know, as difficult and as uncomfortable as these conversations can be, I will always try my best to make myself available for them.

So if you would ever like to have a conversation about something you read on the blog or hear on the podcast, you can always email me or send a message to @ChooseToBeAware.

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