One Former Police Officer’s Perspective

I’m so excited for this post because it’s my very first podcast!

It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now and for the first episode I had the privilege of interviewing my friend Kurt Law, a white male and former law enforcement officer, to get his perspective on a variety of topics. Some of the highlights of our conversation include:

  • 5:30 – Kurt is right that Gwinnett County is one of the most diverse counties in the entire state of Georgia.
  • 7:30 – This is the article from 2013 that I referenced with a tool to compare demographics of police to that of the community.
  • 12:00 – Kurt shares how the response in Ferguson to Mike Brown’s death was a pivotal moment for him that changed things.
  • 26:30 – I ask Kurt about the purpose and use of no-knock warrants.
  • 33:30 – Kurt shares his reaction to the death of George Floyd.
  • 45:00 – I ask Kurt about “wandering policemen” who are officers fired for misconduct by one agency and rehired by another.
  • 48:00 – I ask Kurt for advice on whether to intervene with someone like Derek Chauvin if I were to see him acting unlawfully.
  • 53:30 – Kurt offers his response and thoughts to the recent protests in Atlanta and around the country.
  • 64:00 – I ask Kurt for his opinion on Blue Lives Matter as a general phrase and as a response to the phrase Black Lives Matter.
  • 69:00 – Kurt shares his thoughts on the future of police and things to consider when calling for the defunding of the police.

Kurt was incredibly honest and gracious enough to talk to me for quite some time, and he definitely taught me some things and gave me new ideas to consider when it comes to my approach and perception of law enforcement in the future.

I hope you’ll give it a listen and be sure to let me know what you think.

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