Fighting the Urge to Remain Comfortable

Picture of John Hambrick courtesy of his Facebook page!

I’m so excited for this podcast episode! It’s of a conversation I recently had with my friend John Hambrick!

John works at a local church in the Atlanta area where his role is to create a place for people to have safe and helpful conversations about faith.

He’s also an author. He wrote “Move Toward The Mess: The Ultimate Fix for a Boring Christian Life” and co-wrote “Black & White: Disrupting Racism One Friendship at a Time” with Teesha Hadra. If you haven’t read them already, I strongly encourage you to add them to your reading list!

Both books are incredible and illustrate the importance for us to intentionally get close to people who aren’t like ourselves, and that’s what I wanted to chat about with John.

Getting close to people not like us will almost certainly be uncomfortable, and that urge to remain comfortable is something we all have to fight. But if we’re willing to fight it and actually allow ourselves to get uncomfortable, we just might notice that our hearts will soften and we’ll be able to love others better. That was a recurring theme throughout our entire conversation.

John also talked about what life was like for him growing up, he shared about several people that have affected his life in significant ways, and we discussed the importance and need to lament.

If you’re a note taker like me, you might want to make sure you have some pen and paper nearby before you hit the play button!

As always, if you give it a listen, I’d love to know what you think!

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