Two Black Male Perspectives

Recently, I had the chance to record a conversation with my friends Chinua Hawk and Mark Henderson. They were open and honest and shared their thoughts on things like what racism means to them, their biggest struggle as black men, their experiences navigating predominantly white spaces, and so much more.

They shared stories that I found to be powerful, and they got me thinking about things beyond social justice, things like what it means for us to truly be free.

Below are some of the highlights:

  • 9:00 – They both share their definitions of racism.
  • 10:30 – Mark says his biggest struggle as a black male is proving himself professionally.
  • 15:30 – Chinua shares his thoughts on navigating a predominantly white space.
  • 24:00 – Mark shares a story where his friends showed a lack of awareness.
  • 26:30 – Chinua shares his thoughts for anyone who is tired of talking about racial issues.
  • 31:45 – They both describe how anyone, including of people of color, can be racist.
  • 37:15 – Mark says it’s insulting to say racism doesn’t exist and that we have to talk about it.
  • 43:45 – Chinua says the most important thing he can do is focus on changing himself.
  • 48:30 – This is the video of the girl I was referring to.
  • 49:45 – Mark describes how great it truly felt with his friends alongside him at protests.
  • 54:30 – Chinua shares a recent story to illustrate the trauma still being felt from racism.

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!

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